Our Homesteading Dream

Living, laughing, loving, and learning on our little suburban homestead.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Chickies Are Coming!!

The chickies are coming, the chickies are coming!!

My husband suggested that we may be able to get some more chickens (since my back has been doing SO much better!) and of course, the dutiful, submissive wife that I am...I just HAVE to oblige! lol.

We ordered chicks from Ideal hatchery. They have a "Surprise Special" with 25 or more straight run chicks are only 85 cents a piece. With shipping charges, they averaged out to be $1.28 a piece!

The pullets will live a happy life here, while the gentlemen will go to freezer camp at about 8-10 weeks of age.

The surprise of not knowing which breeds they will ship is so exciting! It will be so much fun trying to identify the breeds :P

The plan is that they will stay inside until they are about 6 weeks, and then they'll be going out to the A-frame with a heat lamp. (I know, I'm insane to get chicks in the fall :P )

Cute little fuzzy pictures to come....

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