Our Homesteading Dream

Living, laughing, loving, and learning on our little suburban homestead.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Menu for the day:

Breakfast- Baked pancake (made with kamut) sliced oranges and kefir

Lunch- Was eaten out. (Burritos :P)

Dinner- Slow cooked pork in a tangy sauce, over brown basmati rice, corn and green beans.

Yesterday started with our normal routine...breakfast, morning animal tasks and daily chores, followed by school work. I made some homemade ketchup and then started the slow cooked pork in the crock pot.

Our animal feed supplies were running low, and I needed to pick up some birthday presents we had ordered.... as well as that elusive part for the van, so we ended up heading out around 11am to run those errands.

If you have access to it, Diamond food is an excellent food for dogs and cats. It doesn't have all the junk added, and the price is reasonable as well. You can check the companies website for local businesses that sell the food...our local Tractor Supply is where we get ours.

While we were out and about, we also stopped at a thrift shop (major score on spring/summer clothes for the kids...as well as another crock pot and blender for Mama :) and 2 whole foods stores. We bought some veggies, fruit, organic popcorn and sea salt from the bulk bins, and ground up some fresh peanut butter (which the kids loooove to do :) Whew! What a day of running around lol.

It was sooo nice to come home to dinner in the crock pot. I made some rice and veggies to go along with it (you'll notice we have frozen corn and green beans quite often...they are family favorites as well as veggies we put up in the summer. We've just about run out of beans, but still have an abundance of corn to use up.)

After dinner, we watched Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman and then got the kiddos cleaned up and ready for bed. Once the kids were in bed, my husband and I played a video game together.This is definitely NOT something that comes naturally to me, but my husband enjoys these games and has asked me to play with him "so he can share something he enjoys with me" lol.

Then Hubby left for work and I headed to bed.

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